
2nd Grade January Morning Bins


If you are looking for a way to start the new year off on the right foot, the 2nd Grade January Morning Bins are here for you! These bins will give your students an opportunity to practice skills they have learned in a fun and hands-on way. What’s more, they offer immediate structure to your daily routine. Keep reading to see all of the 2nd Grade January Morning Bins in action!

Is your morning routine a bit chaotic? Do you feel like you are wasting the first 10 minutes or so of the day? Do you panic when you realize that you forgot to print out some type of morning work for your students? You are not alone and we all hate it! Many teachers struggle with implementing productive morning routines, but I have a solution for you!

Simply put, our students come into the classroom with a lot of different needs. Some are not quite awake and need a little time to settle in before they start their day. Some students are super social and want to interact with their friends. Teachers need to take lunch count and attendance. There is a LOT to do in the morning? How do we make morning successful and exciting for kids? I have the answer….2nd Grade Morning Bins!

NOTE: Many teachers are choosing to use these as early finisher tubs or during a different part of the day. Generic labels have been included for this purpose.





What are the benefits of Morning Tubs / Bins?

The benefits of morning bins are endless!

  • They are hands-on and engaging
  • They provide meaningful practice for basic skills
  • Students have opportunities to work on fine motor skills
  • They provide group and social interaction
  • These offer open-ended practice 
  • They can be used as an alternative to pencil/paper work
  • They provide extra practice for previously taught skills
  • Most importantly…they make learning FUN!

What’s included in the 2nd Grade Morning Bin Bundle?

Each monthly theme will include 21 skills. The monthly skills stay the same throughout the months, but the activities change to provide students with more challenging activities. 

  • 189 Morning Bin activities
  • Color AND Black and White Version Included!
  • Simplified Student Direction Cards
  • Material List for each bin 
  • Morning Bin Rules Poster
  • Labels for Bins (2 options)
  • Teacher Progress Monitoring Sheet
  • Some bins included accountably sheets, if you choose to use them

Skills included in the Morning Bins:

  • Vocabulary
  • Word Use
  • Phonemic Awareness & Phonics
  • Writing Conventions
  • Spelling Conventions
  • Text
  • Sentences & Paragraphs
  • Parts of Speech
  • Writing
  • Logic & Critical Thinking
  • Add & Subtract
  • Math Fluency
  • Multiplication Foundations
  • Place Value
  • Counting & Skip Counting within 1,000
  • Measurement & Estimation
  • Time & Money
  • Data & Graphing
  • Shapes & Fractions
  • Critical Thinking in Math
  • Social/Emotional: Regulating Myself and Relating to Others

Each month, you will have access to 21 NEW activities that cover the skills listed above! Certainly, these will get your kids EXCITED about morning routines! Furthermore, you will warm up those brains and start the day with engaging and purposeful activities!

Let’s take a look at each of the 2nd Grade January Morning Bins in action!

Morning Bin #1: Vocabulary

Students will read the vocabulary words, sort them into groups, and explain why they sorted them the way they did.

Morning Bin #2: Word Use

Students will read the descriptive words and find the item that matches the descriptive words.

Morning Bin #3: Phonemic Awareness & Phonics

Students will say the word, break the word up into syllables and find the syllables that make the word.

Morning Bin #4: Writing Conventions

Students will read the contraction and find the 2 words that make the contraction.

Morning Bin #5: Spelling Conventions

Students will spin the spinner and find and cover a word that uses the spelling pattern of the long o sound.

Morning Bin #6: Text

Students will work with a partner to read the script and use the characters to act out the scene. This is such a fun way for students to practice reading dialogue!

Morning Bin #7: Sentences & Paragraphs

Students will read the sentence and choose the word that best completes the sentence.

Morning Bin #8: Parts of Speech

Students will read the sentence and clip the collective noun that matches the group of animals.

Morning Bin #9: Writing

Students will read the attribute of the item and think of another item that has the same attribute to complete the simile.

Morning Bin #10: Logic & Critical Thinking

Students will read the clues and decide which animal the clues are referring to.

Morning Bin #11: Add & Subtract

Students will read a word problem and show their work to solve the problem.

Morning Bin #12: Fluency

Students will complete the addition and subtraction problems, continuing around the mat to get back to the beginning.

Morning Bin #13: Multiplication Foundations

Students will match the cards that have arrays that have the same value.

Morning Bin #14: Place Value

Students read the words, count base ten blocks, or read the values to sort the values to the correct ice rink.

Morning Bin #15: Counting & Skip Counting within 1000

Students will skip count by 10’s to create a path from start to end.

Morning Bin #16: Measurement & Estimation

Students choose the best estimation that is closest to the actual height or length of the object.

Morning Bin #17: Time & Money

Students will read the value on the tag and use coins to show the value in 2 different ways.

Morning Bin #18: Data & Graphing

Students will read the prompt and graph the data on the bar graph.

Morning Bin #19: Shapes & Fractions

Students will use manipulatives to recreate a picture.

Morning Bin #20: Critical Thinking

Students will look at the given shapes, study the figures and circle the figure that is different than the other 3.

Morning Bin #21: Social/Emotional

Students will pick a word that describes their character or personality. Then they will draw and write about why they chose that word.

I hope that you find the 2nd Grade January Morning Bins helpful and fun!

To see Preschool January Morning Bins, Click Here.

For Kindergarten January Morning Bins, Click Here.

To see 1st Grade January Morning Bins, Click Here.

The post 2nd Grade January Morning Bins appeared first on Moffatt Girls.

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