
Free People Searches: Their Uses for Frivolous and Practical Purposes


Technology keeps advancing. Some science fiction books state that once humanity reaches a certain technological threshold, we’ll keep creating more advanced technology practically exponentially. That theory might have a factual basis, but only time will tell.

The internet and cyberspace have changed the world over the past few decades, though, and that’s undeniable. You can Google something and immediately learn all about it. That works with concepts, but you can do people searches as well.

If you live in the woods somewhere and never got a social security number, then maybe you’re invisible, at least regarding online searches. Most people have traceable digital footprints now, though.

With that in mind, let’s discuss people searches. We’ll cover their intention and how they work.

What Does a Person Search Entail?

A person search involves typing an individual’s name into a search engine that then works and finds information within just a few moments. The speed with which they work might astonish you. You can learn about someone just like when you Google anything else.

When you do a person search, the algorithm looks for that person’s name everywhere it can. It compiles a report that tells you about that person. The report includes mainly information you can find through public records.

You could search through public records yourself years ago and learn about someone’s life. Now, you can do that with an easy online tool. You can use some without paying a dime. Other, more rigorous ones might cost you something.

Why Would You Do This?

If you want information concerning someone, you might have many viable reasons. You may also have some frivolous ones. It is possible you meet someone, and they intrigue you. You might have a healthy curiosity concerning that individual and no further reason for seeking them out than that.

Let’s talk about some more specific reasons why you might do a person search online. We’ll start with some practical ones.

You’re Not Sure About this Person’s Identity

Someone might show up on your doorstep one day and say they’re your Great Uncle Richard. You never knew you had a great uncle. When you look at this individual and squint, you think you might see the family resemblance.

How can you tell whether Great Uncle Richard has your bloodline or not? A person search can probably reveal that easily enough. If you ask your new relative about his background a little, you will likely learn about his life. You can put that data into the person search and see whether you get back any corroborating information.

If you do, you can welcome him with open arms. If you don’t, then maybe Great Uncle Richard is not your kin at all.

You’re Doing Some Hiring for Your Business

If you own a company or run one, you might do the hiring. You may also have a hiring manager who does it. Either way, you can use a person search when you hire for a new position. You might have those person searches running overtime if you’re interviewing several candidates daily.

A person search can tell you whether this candidate really has a Harvard education like they claim. These person searches can delve into a school’s database to find whether a person went there and whether they ever actually graduated.

You can learn whether this person has a criminal background. Maybe they say they’re completely clean, and they never had a parking ticket. You might discover they strangled a few senior citizens in the 70s, and a nearby prison just released them. Presumably, you’ll think twice before hiring them.

You’re Dating Someone and Want Some Background Info

Maybe you’re venturing into the online dating world. This murky morass might turn up some likely candidates you feel might be suitable marriage or at least second date material.

Before you proceed any further, you should learn all about them. They might say they never had a wife or husband. A person search can reveal whether that’s true. Maybe this individual never had a spouse, but perhaps they did, and they lied about it. That’s probably a giant red flag.

Maybe they never divorced their spouse, and the search tells you they’re still married. You can confront them when you learn that information. You can protect yourself before you fall head over heels in love and then face a much more difficult breakup.

You Have Some New Neighbors

Now, on to some more frivolous reasons why you might use a person search. Maybe you live on a block where everyone knows each other. You have a next-door neighbor move away, and a fascinating new person moves in. Now, you can play detective.

If you learn their name, you can plug it into the person search and learn all about them. Maybe this individual invented the paper clip or published a dissertation on astrophysics. The internet can reveal these secrets in mere seconds.

You Can Find Someone’s Handle on Social Media

Maybe you’ll meet a new friend or someone who interests you, and you figure you’ll find them on social media. Billions all around the globe use social media platforms these days, and it may shock you what some people willingly post about themselves and their private lives.

You can learn about a person’s political leanings, whether they’re a Ross or a Rachel, or just about anything else they’ve posted. They might set their profile for privacy, but you can still find out certain juicy tidbits.

Person searches can yield surprising results, whether you’re doing them for serious reasons or fun ones. Remember that you always have this option if someone interests you or you feel you need more information before devising your next move.

Some people don’t realize the digital footprints they leave, but they should. They might not fudge the truth on their resumes if they did. As a cautious citizen in 2023, this tool can help you in many different circumstances.

This content is brought to you by Susan Melony.


The post Free People Searches: Their Uses for Frivolous and Practical Purposes appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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