The Preschool Back to School Morning Bins are here! I’m thrilled with how these turned out. They are packed with plenty of hands-on activities to let young learners practice basic skills, including phonemic awareness, numbers 1-5, fine motor, colors, letters, patterns and so much more!
Most preschools have a scattered drop-off time, so mornings can be chaotic. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a consistent plan of activities for these young students to participate in as they trickle in. The Preschool Morning Bins are exactly what you need to start the day off in a positive, focused and stress-free way! These hands-on activities provide an ideal opportunity for preschool students to practice basic skills to warm up their minds and be ready for the day.
What are Morning Tubs / Bins?
These age appropriate Preschool/ Pre-K Morning Bins are a great way to incorporate literacy, math, fine motor skills, and tons of PLAY into your morning routine! These bins are not limited to mornings, but can also be used for your early/fast finisher tubs, or just for some quiet exploration time at the end of the day!
What are the benefits of Morning Tubs / Bins?
- They are hands-on and engaging
- They provide meaningful practice for basic skills
- Students have opportunities to work on fine motor skills
- They provide group and social interaction
- Open-ended practice
- Alternative to pencil/paper work
- They provide extra practice for previously taught skills
- Most importantly…they make learning FUN!
Skills included in the Preschool Back to School Morning Bins:
- Rhyming and Syllables
- Sounds
- Letters
- Sequence
- Letter Printing
- Sort by Concept
- Finding Details
- EDITABLE Name Practice
- Patterns
- Counting Sequence
- Making and Counting Groups
- Shapes
- Measurement
- Colors
- Numerals
- Comparing
- Life Skills
- Social/Emotional
- Fine Motor
- Dramatic Play
Each month, you will have access to 20 NEW activities that cover the skills listed above! Certainly, these will get your kids EXCITED about morning routines! Furthermore, warm up those brains and start the day with engaging and purposeful activities!

Let’s take a look at each Preschool Back to School Morning Bin in action!
Morning Bin #1: Rhyming and Syllables
Students will clip the picture that matches the rhyme.

Morning Bin #2: Sounds
Students will clip the picture that has the same beginning sound.

Morning Bin #3: Letters
Students will pick a letter and find the letter on the board to match it.

Morning Bin #4: Sequence
Students will turn the pieces to put the picture puzzles together.

Morning Bin #5: Letter Printing
Students will use a toy car to trace the letter.

Morning Bin #6: Sort by Concept
Students will look at an item, decide if it is at home or at school and sort it to the mat.

Morning Bin #7: Finding Details
Students will look at each item and decide which one does not belong in the group.

Morning Bin #8: EDITABLE Name Practice
Students use manipulatives or a dry erase marker to form or trace their name.

Morning Bin #9: Patterns
Students will use colored pom-poms to replicate the pattern.

Morning Bin #10: Counting Sequence
Students will put the strips in order from 1-5 and check their work by counting the items on each strip

Morning Bin #11: Making and Counting Groups
Students will use pom-poms to make an equal group to match the number of items.

Morning Bin #12: Shapes
Students will find and cover the given shape on the mat.

Morning Bin #13: Measurement
Students will use snap cubes to build the length of each item. Then they will count to measure how many cubes they used.

Morning Bin #14: Colors
Students will spin the spinner and cover an item that matches the color.

Morning Bin #15: Numerals
Students will spin a number, find the number on the mat and cover it.

Morning Bin #16: Comparing
Students will count the items in each section of the food tray and clip the side that matches the number in top section.

Morning Bin #17: Life Skills
Students will use yarn to weave in and out of the holes on the item.

Morning Bin #18: Social/Emotional
Students will look at a picture, decide which emotion the person has and sort it to the correct emotion mat.

Morning Bin #19: Fine Motor
Students will use tweezers to transfer pom-poms onto the circles on the picture mat.

Morning Bin #20: Dramatic Play
Students will use their imaginations and these items to pretend that they are shopping or selling at a farmer’s market.
*This is an open-ended play activity. The offered materials can be set up in a variety of ways. Get creative and have fun!

To see the Kindergarten Back to School Morning Bins in action, Click Here.
For 1st Grade Back to School Morning Bins in action, Click Here.
Click to see the 2nd Grade Back to School Morning Bins in action, Click Here.
The post Preschool Back to School Morning Bins appeared first on Moffatt Girls.