
Happy Henfruit Pt


Tags AnimationTrails, DaffyDuck, FoxAndCrow, LittleLulu

Happy Henfruit Pt

5: Eggs-cruciating! I’ve really mixed myself into an omelette on this project, which promises to be my longest trail to date, with more and more discoveries hatching. Yet the studios’ creativity kept finding new garnishment to vary the flavor for even the most discerning palate – suitable to grace the table of even their newest stars. The Egg Cracker Suite (Lantz/Universal, Oswald Rabbit, 3/22/43 – Ben Hardaway/Emery Hawkins, dir.) marks Oswald’s final appearance in a starring role – now redesigned as a gray rabbit much in the manner of his last previous appearance, Happy Scouts, and in the form we...

24 Most Wanted Memo Cubes


Tags Office

24 Most Wanted Memo Cubes

  Enesco Cats at Work by Kathy Weller Not Happening Memo Cube, 1.5″Enesco Cats at Work by Kathy Weller Not Happening Memo Cube, 1.5″ - I always have a pencil + sketchbook handy to collect all my ideas. Created by artist kathy weller, catsatwork is a humorous take on work life as seen through the eyes of a cat character. If you can’t function without your morning coffee, if your co-workers can drive you nuts, if deadlines sometimes rule your life, catsatwork is more than just a comic, it’s therapy. Through my art, i strive to uncover the funny, invisible details...

How to Give Yourself a Pedicure Using Salon Techniques


How to Give Yourself a Pedicure Using Salon Techniques

Pedicures are a relaxing and rejuvenating way to keep your feet in great shape. While countless salons offer this service, you can save money by soaking and moisturizing your feet at home. Once you’ve exfoliated away any rough skin and cleaned off the surface of your nails with rubbing alcohol, you’re ready to apply some polish! Start with a clear base coat, followed by 2 layers of colored lacquer. Finish off your salon-quality pedicure with a clear top coat. After letting your polish dry for 1 hour, you’ll be ready to go out and about with refreshed and pampered feet!...

These delightful Layered Felt Flowers look intricate but are actually simple to pull together


Tags ArtsAndCrafts, Cricut, FeltFlowers, Flowers, Tutorials

These delightful Layered Felt Flowers look intricate but are actually simple to pull together

I love this flower on a clip for my daughter to wear in her hair. I used blue and purple because I love those colors together, but this flower would be pretty in so many color combinations, yellow and orange, pink and white. The possibilities are fabulously endless. Simple Layered Felt Flowers You will need: Felt in two coordinating colors scissors hot glue a center for your flower, a rhinestone, bead, button Step 1: Cut circles out of your felt. You will need five large circles, SIX medium circles, and five small. In this photo, my circles are 2.5 inches, 1.5 inches,...

Move over paper airplanes! This straw and paper airplane is easy to make (no origami involved!) and flies like a champ.



Move over paper airplanes! This straw and paper airplane is easy to make (no origami involved!) and flies like a champ.

I know it looks funny and you might be skeptical that these paper hoops can really fly. After all, most paper airplanes are flat with wings. But these “Hoopsters” are easy to throw and they fly in straight lines. How to Make a Hoop Glider This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure policy for details. Materials: Cardstock paper (8”x11”) Ruler Scissors Drinking straw (if you have a bendy straw, cut the accordion part off) Tape (Optional) Straw Airplane Template Instructions: You have 3 options when it comes to cutting the cardstock paper: Cut the cardstock paper so you have 3...