News — Carrots

Once you have become a seasoned veggie gardener, the next logical step is to preserve seeds from your own crops for future plantings – and future food.


Tags Beginners, Carrots, RootCrops, Umbellifers, Vegetables

Once you have become a seasoned veggie gardener, the next logical step is to preserve seeds from your own crops for future plantings – and future food.

Seed saving can save you money, and it is a fun way to geek out, gardener style. With carrots in particular, the return on your investment is astonishing. Each individual plant can produce over 1,000 flowers, so for each carrot that you allow to go to seed now, you could potentially grow a thousand in the future. Looking at things that way, it’s pretty easy to do the math and realize that saving seeds is worth the bit of extra effort this gardening project requires. In order to get the highest quality harvest from your future garden, you’ll need to...