
News — MomSolutions

Inside: The secret to surviving life with your hormonal 12-year old son, 3 must reads if your raising boys and  {Free printable: Raising Godly Men} My son almost died today.  That’s right, I almost killed him


Tags 12YearOldBoy, EmotionalBoys, MomSolutions, Popular, Video

Inside: The secret to surviving life with your hormonal 12-year old son, 3 must reads if your raising boys and  {Free printable: Raising Godly Men} My son almost died today.   That’s right, I almost killed him

If you just sucked in all your breath thinking, “How can she say that?” then I can tell you’ve never had a 12-year-old son, or your sweet little boys are under the age of ten. Now, of course, I would never harm my children. I adore them and see them as precious gifts from the Lord on High. This, however, doesn’t stop them from fighting, arguing, rolling their eyes, huffing and puffing, backtalking, second-guessing, and testing the limits of my love, patience, and self-control daily. Twelve is a funny age. As a mom of five sons, I would testify in...