News — TopStories

Now that panic buying of toilet paper and hand sanitizer is subsiding, people are moving on to the next phase of panic buying: hair clippers


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Now that panic buying of toilet paper and hand sanitizer is subsiding, people are moving on to the next phase of panic buying: hair clippers

Sales are moving at a fast clip. Hair dye is also a hot seller. COVID gray is an official color. Home barbers and hairstylists are sprouting everywhere. I am among them. I’m even contemplating a salon name. My two top contenders are “It’ll Grow” and “Oops!” A neighbor cut her husband’s hair with kitchen scissors and a comb. She started the cut two weeks ago and still hasn’t finished. Every time she sees a spot she missed she tells him to sit still and cuts a little more. His complaint is that he has no hair on top. The man...