News — Food

I’m going all out for Christmas this year


Tags 60daysofplaid, Food, KellyInTheCity, Lifestyle, LincolnPark

I’m going all out for Christmas this year

Not in the “Pinterest sense”; I really just want to look on the bright side and appreciate this year’s slower-paced holiday. I want to make a concerted effort to be in the spirit, revel in our time as a little family, and center our activities around the season. Make it special. I learned last year that it’s not about “doing all the things.” It’s about doing a few things, and having a really fun time with them. :) One of the things is sugar cookies. Every December growing up, I remember jumping off the school bus and coming inside to...

How to Save Money on Groceries this Winter!


Tags Article, Food, Home, SaveMoney, Tips

How to Save Money on Groceries this Winter!

This is a Guest Post from the Finance Writer for I only share information that I find fun, informative, or helpful! Enjoy! With winter approaching, most of us spend more on groceries. Not only do we buy larger quantities of food for hosting family gatherings, but also many foods are out of season. Fortunately, there are some ways to save on your grocery bill over the cold winter months. Start by giving the following 4 tips a try! Start Canning Fruits and veggies in the grocery store are more expensive and not as fresh during the winter. A great...